Downloadable Gemstones

  • Author: Samantha
  • PNG Files: 96
  • Gemstones: 384
  • Videos: 1
  • Ebooks: 1 
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Lesson Information...

We have made it easy for you to save time!
You can now download 96 Png files for all different coloured gemstones. This gives you over 300 different coloured and cut gemstones to use in your designs! 

Simply download  the image and save them to your file to quickly import into your procreate designs. 

What you get and how to use them: 
-Basic introduction to the App
- Learn how to save and import gemstones into the app.
-96 PNG Files
-Over 300 Gemstones!

-Latest version of procreate
-An Ipad (we use the iPad Pro 4th generation 12.9inch model)
-Apple pen / stylist.
Meet the instructor

Samantha Kelly

With an 11-year jewellery design and manufacturing career, Samantha has captured clients stories in timeless designs and understands what it takes. She’s got the skills to help you design better.
Patrick Jones - Course author