Advanced Bi/Tri Coloured Gemstones

  • Author: Samantha
  • Level: Advanced
  • Study time: 12 hours
  • Video time: 2 hours
  • Certificate
Write your awesome label here.

Materials & What's Included...

  • 4 Chapters
  • 14 Videos
  • 1 PDF 
  • 1 Quiz
  • English Voiceover
  • English Subtitles
  • Certificate


 You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your own personal brand through content marketing.

Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache:

  • Permanent White
  • Zinc White
  • Winsor Blue
  • Permanent Green Deep
  • Winsor & Newton Watercolour: Opera Rose

Two Water Pots

  • One pot is for clean water to be added to the paint.
  • Second pot is for cleaning the paint brush in.

Koh-I-Noor Watercolour Disc Set

We used the colours from this set. Any brand of watercolour will work as long as you have these colours to work with:
-Blue (Light & Dark)
-Green (Light & Dark)
-Pink (Light & Dark)

Tissue / Paper Towel & Palette 

  • Tissue / Paper Towel to dry the brush on.
  • Palette or any surface to mix the paint on.

Grey Toned Paper

  • Liviano colour card A4 smooth surface 180gsm
  • Canson Mi Teintes Pastel paper.
  • Any Grey Toned Paper. 

Materials disclaimer: 
The materials that are listed in our online courses are what we personally use and have become familiar with over time.
These products are readily available to us here in Adelaide Australia and its why we have chosen to use certain brands and mediums. 
We highly recommend if you are a beginner to first try out less expensive materials and become familiar with them first and to learn how they work and if its the right choice for you.
It is always important that you experiment with materials and learn what works best for you. Always do your own research before purchasing.
Meet the instructor

Samantha Kelly

With an 11-year jewellery design and manufacturing career, Samantha has captured clients stories in timeless designs and understands what it takes. She’s got the skills to help you design better.
Patrick Jones - Course author